Thanks a lot ! A little message for you

Hello everybody,

FTT has reach 9000 views and more than 100 followers on Twitter in less than one month !

I know that is not a lot for lots of people, but for me it means so much. As I said it’s my student project and it is currently going very well. I was able to get some very professionnal and nice partnerships because the website has a good start.

And for that I have to thank YOU. You were the visitor who contributed to that great launch and for your daily/weekly or even monthly visit. You were the one who laugh to my work and appreciate it.

It is not always easy on Tinder, some techniques didn’t work, sometimes the girl never answer, sometimes you get deleted before you could take a screenshot or sometimes you just can’t do your stuff because she didn’t match you !
But thanks to you again, I am really happy to try more and more techniques to keep you laughing or even make you the motivation to try some of them !

That’s why I organized a giveway with one of my partnership on Twitter for you. I want to thank you for all. I will continue my contents of course, I won’t let you down !


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